Help & Information

Help sheets and leaflets.

We hope you find these help sheets and leaflets of use to you, for your own understanding or to help others understand the symptoms and difficulties you may be facing. Please feel free to download and share, or if you would like a copy sending by post, do contact us at the BANA office.

With regards the DVLA guidance, this relates to the specific question raised with the organisation regarding how to answer if you have had a brain tumour, when applying or reapplying for your licence. The download includes a letter and instruction from a DVLA Medical Advisor in reply to this specific question, and the DVLA’s ‘At a Glance Guide to the Current Medical Standards of Fitness to Drive’.

Balance Exercises

Thank you to BANA ambassador, Physiotherapist Doug Jones, for putting together these exercises for Acoustic Neuroma patients.

Please follow the link to some fantastic expert exercises to help support your balance challenges.

Click to view the website

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